Business Management Application

Understanding what we will do & how we can.

   First of all, I want to share my view. In this application, we will create receipt vouchers, where we will create a voucher for any sale. The design will be created on the worksheet and want to save in another worksheet with hyperlink because we can view this voucher later. For this, we will create a folder in any drive on the PC where we will store the vouchers as pdf. Next We will create Payment Voucher in same process and also save it as pdf.

Next We will create “Due Register” worksheet and will insert a pivot table to view the due list in a table view.

Next We will create a Ledger Book for our vendor where we will create bill entry form and payment entry form.

Also have to create Cheque Entry Userform (“Cheque Management Application”).

Additionally need AddressBook to manage customer & Order Book to manage order where we can see pending order and complete order. 

I hope, you can manage your business through this Business Management Application. You can download this file from here.

I strongly recomend you to watch this video step forward. I explain What functionaires are included, What features are available in this application. If you want to create like this then you can see the below vba codes. If you have any quaries regarding this application then you can write us. I will try to clear any doubts.

First, we create Receipt voucher:

  • create a worksheet named as “Receipt”
  • Design this worksheet for this voucher
  • Goto Developer Tab –> Visual Basic –> insert a module, then follow the below vba codes

Before moving on to the next step, let me discuss a few things

How to declare a worksheet in vba

Dim sh as worksheet
set sh = sheets("sheet_name")

How to find last row number with non-blank cell

Dim i As Long
 i = sht.Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

It will find Last Row number by i. If you want to insert data into last blank cell then use +1. you should follow below example.

Dim i As Long
 i = sht.Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1

How to protect and unprotect worksheet by vba

Dim sh as worksheet
set sh = sheets("sheet_name")
sh.protect "password" ' for protect the sheet
sh.unprotect "password" 

To print Date and time in excel cell through vba

sh.Range("G7").Value = Date 
Range("M20").Value = Now

Cells validation by vba code. For example I choose G5 cell

If sh.Range("G5").Value = "" Then ' for Check Blank Cell
   MsgBox "Please Select Head of Account" ' for msg box
   sh.Protect "121"
  Exit Sub
End If

Validate if your worksheet is on filterMode, then create an alert or message box to clear the filter. Here I used sht as worksheet. You will see the full vba code in next page

If sht.FilterMode = True Then
MsgBox "Pease Check and clear filter from the Transaction"
Exit Sub
End If

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